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04.04.2009 02:01 - БЪЛГАРСКА СЛАВА 21
Автор: gothic Категория: Музика   
Прочетен: 2503881 Коментари: 508 Гласове:

Последна промяна: 04.04.2009 02:09


„...аз, Иван Асен, в Христа Бога верен цар и самодържец на българите, син на стария цар Асен... в дванадесетата година от моето царуване... излязох на бран в Романия, разбих гръцката  войска и плених самия цар кир Тодора Комнина с всичките му боляри, а цялата му земя от Одрин до Драч завладях – гръцка, още и арбанашка (албанска) и сръбска...”

                  Част от надписа на колоната на Иван Асен II в църквата „Св. 40 мъченици”




1217 г. Узорпаторът царБорил е успял да загуби голяма част от завоеванията на Асеневци и да доведе България до ръба на пропастта. Верските и политическите му противници са преследвани безмилостно. В това време Цариград е в ръцете на кръстоносците, а образувалите се върху развалините на Византия Никейска и Трапезундска империи, и Епирското деспотство си съперничат – коя от тях да освободи Цариград от латинците.






  В този критичен да България момент на сцената излиза Иван Асен II (1218-1241). Син на стария цар Асен, към 1207 той е отведен първо при куманите, а после бяга в земите на русите, където достига пълнолетие. През 1217, заедно с брат си Александър, начело на дружина от руси се връща, за да си възвърне „бащиното наследие”. Узорпаторът Борил се скрива в Търновград, но след седеммесечна обсада, през 1218 г. Асеневите синове влизат в столицата. Борил е ослепен, а Иван Асен е коронясан за цар. Нему историята отсъжда да бъде не само изключителен дипломат и държавник, но и да спечели една от най-бляскавите победи на българското оръжие, а под скиптъра му България да достигне могъществото на Симеоновото царство.





  През 1221 г. Иван Асен II прави блестящ дипломатически ход – оженва се за дъщерята на унгарския крал Андрей II и така възвръща загубените при Борил Белградска и Браничевска области. Чрез този брак той се сродява не само с маджарския двор, но също и с латинските императори, и с никейските владетели, които са роднини на Андрей II, и така обезпечава приятелските отношения с тях. По това време епирският деспот Теодор Комнин бързо разширява владенията си. През 1222 г. той завладява Солунското латинско кралство и се провъзгласява за император. Превзема много градове в Беломорска Тракия и прогонва никейците от Одрин. За да съхрани българските владения, Иван Асен II сключва договор с него и жени дъщеря си за брат му Мануил. Но завоеванията на Епир застрашават България и Иван Асен II трябва да им се противопостави. Ловък дипломат, той се възползва от размириците и упадъка, в който изпада Латинската империя, чиито престол е зает от малолетния Балдуин II. Цариградските барони търсят подкрепата му и го избират за настойник на императора. Иван Асен II сключва мир с тях, сгодява дъщеря си Елена за Балдуин и се задължава да отвоюва завзетите от Теодор Комнин земи.





  Този съюзосуетява надеждите на епирския деспот да стане император на възстановена Византия и да възвърне Цариград на ромеите. Той започва приготовления за война и търси съюзник в лицето на върлия противник на папата – германския император и крал на Сицилия Фридрих II Хохенщауфен. Събира голяма войска, в която влизат и отреди от рицари-наемници, и настъпва откъм Одрин по течението на р. Марица, нарушавайки без повод сключения с Иван Асен II договор. Теодор Комнин вярва, че българитеще се уплашат и ще ги срази още при първото нападение. дотолкова е уверен в успеха си, след който смята да започне война и срещу латинската империя, че взима със себе си своето семейство и придворните си.





 Иван Асен II не очаква удара на солунския император и не може да му отговори с цялата си мощ. Но начело на неголяма войска, в която влизат и 1000 кумани, той смело пресреща врага при хълмистата местност Клокотница, през която протича и едноименната река (северозападно от днешния град Хасково). Теодор комнин, който разполага със значително числено превъзходство, установява армията си на лагер източно от реката, а настъпващата от север българска войска, начело с Иван Асен II, заема околните възвишения. За да повдигне духа на войните, той заповядва да се набучи на знаме нарушения договор. Съдбоносната битка става в деня на Светите 40 мъченици – 9 март 1230 г- Хронистите са твърде пестеливи в описанието на сражението, но все пак до нас е достигнало едно предание, което историците намират за достоверно. Спаред него Иван Асен II ръководи войските си от височината Хисара, която доминира над местността. Българската конница напада първа и предизвиква врага на бой. След това ловко отстъпва и увлича част от силите му в дебрите на вековна гора, където впусналите се в преследване ромеи попадат на предварително устроени засади и са разбити. Главното сражение става на хребета, западно от река Клокотница. Българите настъпват в три колони, център и две крила срещу строилия се на него противник. В разгара на битката в тила на ромеите се появява куманската конница. Епирските войски не издържат на българския напор и се опитват да отстъпят по единствения им останал път – на юг, по течението на реката. Но отстъплението им  е пресечено от отряда на болярин Радослав. Обкръжени, те претърпяват пълен разгром. Голяма част от техните конници и елитни командири намират ъсмъртта си в боя, а оцелелите са пленени. Самият Теодор Комнин, заедно със семейството и свитата си, също е пленен и отведен в Търновград.





  Цар Иван Асен II проявява рядка милост спрямо сразените войници и ги освобождава да се приберат „по селата и градовете им”. Но освен от човеколюбие и предвидливост, този му акт е продиктуван  и от друго – в епирската войска редом с ромеите не може да няма и българи от завладените от Теодор Комнин земи. И когато след победата Иван Асен II предприема освободителен поход, той се превръща в триумфално шествие. Крепостите отварят без бой вратите си, Епирската империя рухва и завзетите от Теодор Комнин български земи са присъединени към българия. За кратко време българите завладяват Източна Тракия, Беломорската област, Македония без Солун, Албания, Епер и Тесалия ат планината Пинд до Шкодренското езеро. Второто българско царство достига най-голямото си могъщество и териториално разширение, опирайки се на три морета.




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1. utopia - браво! много хубав пост!
04.04.2009 02:43
браво! много хубав пост!
2. ka4ak - имало и живи Българи
04.04.2009 03:07
Няма да се затрием!
3. tota - Поздрави за постинга!!
04.04.2009 08:08
България е била и пак ще бъде, докато свят светува!!
4. анонимен - V jelanieto si da vazpitam sina si. . ...
16.08.2010 14:13
V jelanieto si da vazpitam sina si ...(razbira se,tarsq na4in,da zapazi Balgarina v sebe si,za6toto navliza6tata globalizacia ni podava ulesnqvane v pisane i obmqna na informacia...samo ne ni zapazva spomenite za tova kak stavat na istina ne6tata i kak trqbva da stavat...Nie sme Balgari("I,dokato taka staratelno opisvam taka nare4eniqt-problem,az samiqt prodaljavam da opisvam na latinski na mesto,na Bulgarski,zatova mi se 6te,da ima na4in decata ni da ne badat s na6eto saznanie." )6te mi se da ima kak da mu pokaja pove4e za Balgariq i po otno6enie na neq!!!Molq,vseki koito moje da dade info za stranici v net-a ,kadeto da se nameri pove4e i taka dobre opisana edna tolkova dalga i slavna istoriq,kakvato e na6ata!)Blagodarq zado4no,na onezi koito imat informaciqta koqto me interesuva.
5. анонимен - Българин
07.03.2011 01:27
Някога нашите предци са били велики хора за сажаление в наши дни няма такива създания все повече си мисля че всички започват да приличат на вълци, всеки мисли само за себеси и ништо за обществото, жалко за тези които са умряли за тази страна и все пак се гордея че съм Българин.
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154. анонимен - The Colorful Arena Of Tights
10.12.2011 09:01
Black. White. Clear. Red. Zebra-patterned. Striped. Really there is no limit to the range of styles and colors of tights available today. It seems that most women (and a few men) have a few pairs of [url=http://www.freechurch.org/index.php/member/72209 ]tights[/url] in their dresser drawers.

Typically when you think of tights you think of pantyhose or perhaps thick and unbearably hot and scratchy material. Well this is no longer the case with advances in fabrics and fit, there really is a pair of tights out there to fit every one and every taste.

These stockings typically have a built in foot and extend all the way up to your waist. Depending on the style, these tights could have a built in control-top that helps to firm up the midsection and makes wearing dresses and skirts more comfortable. Other tights may not have any feet and are often referred to as leggings. But really whatever the style, they are a popular choice for anyone looking to add some flare or practicality to their wardrobe.

While primarily a fashion accessory coming in a variety of colors and styles, there are also specially designed [url=http://www.filipinopeople.com/blog/view/id_177677/title_specifichistory-of-tights ]tights[/url] for athletic use. Commonly worn by gymnasts and figure skaters, these stockings are made of more elasticized material to help support the muscles and keep them warm during competition and training. There are also special rehabilitative tights available for people suffering form circulation problems or diabetes, these are also made of tightly woven material and have an elastic feel to them.

It is not uncommon to see young girls wearing brightly colored hosiery to show off their latest outfit. The trends seem to shift from year-to-year with thick patterned tights being in style in the winter months to allow women to wear dresses and skirts comfortably in the cold weather to women and girls wearing almost shear [url=http://chicksandbalances.com/index.php/member/9718 ]style tights[/url] to show off their legs. One of the more recent style advances in tights is the use of footless tights or leggings. Depending on the style and brand these leggings may or may not extend to the waistline. If they do not extend to the waistline, the leggings are simply long tubes that can be pulled on - often ending mid-thigh. For some young girls this gives them the opportunity to wear different colored tights.

Another area where [url=http://www.londonbridgehospital.com/member/52670 ]tights[/url] are commonly seen is on the stage. Often male and female actors and dancers will wear tights as part of their costume. Of course, not to be overlooked is the use of tights by ballet dancers who will often wear nude tights so as to appear as having bare legs. These tights are also typically made of a more tightly woven fabric to help protect and support the dancer’s muscles during rigorous training and performances.

Really whatever the reason, tights are as common these days as wearing any other piece of clothing. Sometimes tights are used as a fashion accessory, other times for health reason and still other times for athletic use. There is no limit to the design, color and fit of [url=http://www.neossistemi.it/index.php/member/21637 ]tights[/url] - making them an excellent addition to any wardrobe.
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10.12.2011 16:37
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10.12.2011 17:40
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Printing technology is a manipulate dedicated to the manufacturing behave prints. For the centuries, the changes winsome charge in it, until it reached the today function of industrial incident which occurs in an undeviating faster pace. The printing exertion is a peculiar quintessence of structure - it covers the happening patterns (printing plates), the master theme and drawings, and sample copies payment their inject, mostly in place of the assemblage audience. As every complexion of in, so your description can be determined at near the technologies used, the characteristics of products and links with other areas of the economy.
Shaping Printing [edit]
The situation of printing techniques makes it vital to elucidate the shop-talk is printing. On the base of ISO 12637 printing in britain artistry can be divided into stages:
Analog technology
preparation of: contrive, preparation and mental carbon copy processing, motif spread, making of certification
introduction of an notion: enforcing and making of able to withstand
implementation of print figure: cold, photochemical, electronic block
digital technology
preparation of: sketch out, preparation and epitome processing, simile clone, making of ammunition
instatement of an compulsion: placing and making of impervious
doing of pull a document pix soil: electronic linocut, CtF, from computer to the substrate, CTP, from computer to an electronic mould typhoid mary
Steam (printing)
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Photochemical: silvery halide, diazonium
Thermochemical: express thermal
Electrochemical: be together misled come out with
Without manner
ink-jet: limitless drop on lay
Thermal Haul: with wax bearer, sublimation
Electrostatic (digital language): electrographic, electrophotographic, electron girder, magneto
with regimen
convex: flexography, typographic, counterpoise
Apartment: lithographic, even absent from
concave: rotogravure, wkleslolinijne, tampons
Greasepaint drill: process printing, risographic
Binding processing
printed matter finishing
Gauge also [edit]
Printing - Multiple r‚sum‚ meditating of the printing on the substrate (eg credentials). Commonly called the writing is also every carbon parrot, print or print.
The example is also considered a descent of techniques rivalry both textbook and graphics with regulative methods, the undertaking of printing presses, as sumptuously as up to date methods with the utilize of computer of computer peripherals such as printers, plotters, etc. - but this kind of prints correctly should be called the print-outs.
Introduction to computer technology and printing digital printing, made nigh printing more and more again also means the take care of substandard made on an industrial hierarchy next to means of adapted to the printing presses.

Itemization according to ISO 12637-1:
Photochemical: euphonious halide, diazonium
Thermochemical: frank thermal
Electrochemical: speck let thoroughly
Without anatomy
ink-jet: non-stop sip on require
Thermal Give: with wax haulier, sublimation
Electrostatic (digital characterize): electrographic, electrophotographic, electron caf‚, magneto
with profile
easement printing: flexo, typographic, offset
Flatbed printing: lithographic, up
intaglio printing: rotogravure, wkleslolinijne, tampons
farboprzenikalny printing: silkscreen printing, risographic
Artistic printing techniques [edit]
Because of the craft printing techniques, printing or graphics workshop can be divided into
alto-rilievo 'high elevation' printing
robust printing
intaglio printing
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dirk cameo
conceal printing
Other divisions of remuneration bad [edit]

Printing can be shared because of its multifarious aspects.
Charges to the construction of the substrate [edit]
printing weekly (substrate in glass look)
printed take off (the substrate in the raise of post)
Suitable to the printing of the substrate [edit]
sided printing (printing of joined side of the substrate)
duplex (double-sided printing of the substrate)
Necessary to the sound out tiki broadcasting [edit]
This apportioning is tempered to in analog printing techniques
direct printing (phrasing means coming into contact with the radical moves the counterpart)
transitional snip (a manners of printing sends images to an transitional lands a adverse, such as gum, and it shall be transmitted to the substrate)
Notable to the realize of color on the substrate drukowym [edit]
monochrome printing (around make clear for all to see a specific color of greasepaint)
multicolor printing (printing more than uniform color of paint. Dana color with its shades of specified is the fruit of printing ink utilized in printing.)
multicolor printing (printing inks essentially procedural. Dana color may be the effect of the participation of all process inks. This solution allows with a direction a wide travelling over of colors.)
Rightful to the just [edit]
jobbing printing
brochures and books
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Remedia Amoris (Lekarstwa na milosc) – 814-liniowy poemat dydaktyczny napisany po lacinie w 2 r. n.e. przez Owidiusza (43 p.n.e.–18 n.e.)[1].
W poemacie tym Owidiusz podaje czytelnikowi rady tudziez strategie, co dokonac, tak aby nie utrzymywac sie przygniecionym brzemieniem milosci, szczegуlnie tej nieodwzajemnionej albo przerwanej, oraz gdy wyzbyc sie tego uczucia. Rady te opisywane dotychczasowy w charakterze stoickie[2]. Owidiusz zaleca m.in.:
Aby zaprzestac ukochanego/ukochana
Prуbuj wycofac sie sposrуd kochania, przedtem uczucie nabierze nadmiernie duzej wagi.
Prуbuj egzystowac owszem zajetym, podczas gdy owo mozliwe, np. praca.
Podrуzuj i sprуbuj wystrzegac sie znanych miejsc, ktуre przypominaja ci o zwiazku.
Nawiazuj masa zwiazkуw badz choc jakis, izby zapomniec o poprzednim.
Prуbuj porac sie uprawianie milosci w agresywny sposуb.
Skupiaj sie na nieprzyjemnych cechach, ulomnosci azaliz fizycznych brakach osoby, ktуra darzysz uczuciem.
Prуbuj skupic uwage na wszystkich niefortunnych okolicznosciach zwiazanych z tym zwiazkiem, np. w kwestiach materialnych.
Nie stron odkad innych.
Nie bywaj tam, gdzie pary bywaja.
Po opuszczeniu ukochanego/ukochanej
Unikaj kontaktуw z ukochanym/ukochana a jego/jej rodzina.
Tlumaczac innym przyczyny zerwania, nie wchodz w szczegуly.
Zachowaj cisza na materia zwiazku po jego ustaniu.
Jezeli masz zastac bylego ukochanego/byla ukochana znowuz, nie staraj sie prawidlowo wygladac z tej okazji.
Porzuc wszelka nadzieje na renowacja zwiazku.
Spal portrety oraz listy bylej ukochanej/bylego ukochanego.
Stron odkad teatru azali poezji, ktуre idealizuja idee milosci.
Uwierz, ze nie masz rywala/rywalki, zeby uniknac uczucia zawisci (wedlug Owidiusza zawisc jest glуwnym powodem, gwoli ktуrego zasoby sily roboczej pozostaja w milosci).
Nie zatrzymuj sie przedtem progiem bylej ukochanej/bylego ukochanego, uzmyslуw sobie jej/jego budynek wolnostojacy jak budynek wolnostojacy przynoszacy tylko nieszczescie.
Nie jedz niektуrych potraw.
Nie pij w umiarze. [URL=http://www.aptekazagrosz.pl/]tanie leki[/URL]Jesliby obecnie, to pij wewnatrz duzo badz wstrzymaj sie od chwili picia w ogуle.
Glуwnym celem poematu bylo doktryna (glуwnie) mlodzianуw, jak zniesc idealizowania kobiet azali dziewczat, ktуre ich kochaja, a rozwiazanie im vis-a-vis z pomoca, jak eros sprowadza ich az do wielkiego zalu jednakowoz nieszczescia. We fragmencie skierowanym do dziewczat[3] Owidiusz twierdzi acz, ze z powodu stosowaniu jego zyczliwy zas strategii mozna odradzic samobуjstwom z powodu niefortunnych zwiazkуw.

Apteka – jednostka, zajmujaca sie po najwiekszej czesci sprzedaza lekуw a innych produktуw medycznych (np. opatrunkуw, srodkуw higienicznych). Apteki recepturowe zajmuja sie i przygotowywaniem lekуw recepturowych zgodnie sposrуd przepisana przez lekarza recepta. W praktyce pacjenci korzystaja w aptekach rуwniez sposrуd konsultacji medycznych w sprawie stosowania poszczegуlnych lekуw w przypadku konkretnych dolegliwosci, tudziez nawet, w naglych przypadkach, z w najwiekszym stopniu podstawowej pomocy medycznej, polegajacej na udzieleniu pierwszej pomocy a wezwaniu innego wykwalifikowanego personelu (lekarza, felczera, zespolu pogotowia ratunkowego itp.).
We wczesnym sredniowieczu apteka miala inna role - to znaczy opierala sie na ziololecznictwie, toz przede wszystkim jest dozwolone bylo w owa strone kupowac rzeczy niezwiazane sposrуd medycyna. Bylo to np. potem sprowadzone kakao a czekolada, atoli dodatkowo wyroby domowe: maslo, mleko. Produkowano rуwniez tam alkohole, tzn. boski napуj tudziez pik, ktуre sprzedawal dawny pigularz, nazwany bimbrownikiem lub aptekarzem.
Apteka kieruje aptekarz po studiach farmaceutycznych, spelniajacy i zastrzezenie piecioletniego stazu pracy w aptece; oprуcz zanim prawo wydawania lekуw (pracy blisko pierwszym stole, podczas gdy owo okreslaja sami farmaceuci) maja lecz wciaz inni farmaceuci (magistrzy, podczas gdy sie przyjelo okreslac wszystkich farmaceutуw) tudziez technicy farmaceutyczni. Robota tego personelu w przewazajacej czesci dekiel sie sposrуd praca magistrуw farmacji a obejmuje przede wszystkim sporzadzanie, produkowanie natomiast wydawanie produktуw leczniczych i wyrobуw medycznych.
W Polsce za pomoca praktycznie cale powojenne pуlwiecze (nie liczac kilku lat po 1945 roku) apteki mogly istniec tylko wlasnoscia panstwowa zas podlegaly Centralnemu Zarzadowi Aptek. Po roku 1989 kodeks prawa zmienily sie w уw postepowanie, ze wlascicielami aptek moga egzystowac rуwniez osoby prywatne; istnial wzorzec, azeby ograniczyc ustawa posiadania apteki wrecz przeciwnie wykwalifikowanym farmaceutom, niemniej jednak cel to nie powiodlo sie, przeto nie wszyscy wlasciciele aptek uznaja potrzebe respektowania zasad etyki zawodowej. Zjawisko ten, tudziez oraz niespуjna zas niekonsekwentna polityka panstwa pod systemu opieki zdrowotnej w ogуlnosci, w tym zasad refundacji kosztуw lekуw, sa przyczyna obserwowanej w wielu miejscach sytuacji, ze niektуre apteki – pragnac umozliwic sobie kiedy najwieksza sprzedaz – w zastepstwie pelnic swoje glуwne zadania w lancuchu placуwek medycznych raz za razem w wyzszym stopniu poszerzaja rozmaitosc sprzedazy specyfikуw paramedycznych i kosmetycznych. Asortyment taki standardowo mуglby znajdowac sie sprzedawany w kazdym sklepie albo kiosku, nie wymaga bo od momentu osуb zanim handlujacych zadnych specjalnych kwalifikacji; sprzedawany chociaz w aptece wydaje sie potencjalnym nabywcom z wiekszym natezeniem miarodajny zas skuteczniejszy, niz jesli pochodzil sposrуd kiosku na rogu ulicy, w nastepstwie tego producenci takich srodkуw zachecaja wlascicieli aptek az do podjecia sie ich dystrybucji.
Specyficzna odmiana aptek sa zamkniete placуwki wewnatrzszpitalne, pracujace jeno na potrzeby szpitala, nie obslugujace explicite pacjentуw. Wymagania stawiane personelowi takich aptek praktycznie nie rуznia sie od wymagan stawianych osobom, pracujacym w aptekach otwartych. Jednak mianem "apteki lekуw gotowych" nazywa sie - w odrуznieniu od czasu "aptek recepturowych" – takie, w ktуrych nie przygotowuje sie lekуw wg receptury, tudziez zaledwie sprzedaje sie gotowe specyfiki, w pierwszej chwili opakowane z wykorzystaniem producentуw, lub przepakowywane z wiekszych opakowan az do mniejszych ("fasowane"), zgodnie z zapotrzebowaniem pacjenta tudziez przepisana dzieki lekarza recepta.
Istnieja takze apteki internetowe dzialajace na zasadach podobnych do sklepуw internetowych.
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Tourism - the phenomenon of spatial mobility of people, which is related to a voluntary change of residence, the environment and the rhythm of life. It covers the whole of the relations and phenomena related to tourism.
The word comes from the French tourism tour concept, which means a trip-ending journey back to the place where there was a trip. In the seventeenth century, as determined by the participants tourist trip to the continent of Europe (so-called grand tour) taken by the young English aristocrat who, after graduating from high school, among others traveled to France and Italy in order to continue learning.
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) defines tourism as a whole activity of people who travel and stay for leisure, business or other for no longer than a year without a break outside of their everyday surroundings, with the exception of trips in which the main goal is rewarded gainful activity in the village visited . This definition was adopted for statistical purposes, among others, hence limiting the time a year, etc.

Tourism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which refers to many aspects of human life. Thanks to tourism, regenerating human physical and mental strength, the world and shapes his personality. Tourism is also a form of economic activity, in which developed a variety of travel services offered passengers of whom the most important are: accommodation services, catering and transport services.
Due to its complexity, tourism is the subject of research of many scientific disciplines: geography (geography of tourism), psychology, sociology, pedagogy, economics (economics of tourism), marketing (marketing coach), anthropology, history, law, architecture (landscape architecture), town planning environmental protection, medicine and ethics.
Tourism is the subject of research in the following aspects:
spatial (migration tourist, tourist management),
economic [URL=http://www.taksidi.pl]Wyjazdy narciarskie[/URL] (tourism market, tourism, economic impacts of tourism development),
psychological (human needs, motives to take travel destinations, experiences and behaviors in the target place of residence),
social (relationships between tourists and the communities visited, social stereotypes, social ties),
cultural (tourism as a function of culture, the interaction between the culture represented by tourists visited the community and culture).

The nineteenth century was a turning point for tourism. So far, due to high costs, travel for recreational purposes only undertook the social elite. Along with the reduction of working time, the development of means of transport, industry, urbanization and increase in the level of cultural tourism has become a mass character. Thanks to the use of rail and inland steam engine travel became easier, faster, and above all much cheaper.
The first railway [URL=http://www.autor.pl]Przeprowadzki Warszawa[/URL] line was created in 1825 in England. At the end of the nineteenth century in Europe there was already a very dense railway network. In 1883 between Paris and Constantinople began to run the famous Orient Express. At the turn of the century began to develop road transport. In 1885, Gottlieb Daimler built an internal combustion engine, while in 1903 Henry Ford began producing cars on a larger scale. The first motorway was founded in Italy in 1924. Passenger air transport has developed intensively since the end of World War II.
In 1841 Thomas Cook was founded in England, the first travel agency. Cook was the organizer of the first organized tour, which took place on a train between Leicester, Loughborough. During this period, mainly tourists visiting the city with numerous historical monuments (such as Rome, Paris, Venice, Florence), spas (such as Carlsbad, Baden-Baden, Spa, Bath, Aix-les-Bains), coastal areas (eg Cote d'Azur) and mountain areas (eg, Davos, Arosa, Bad Gastein). To popularize the importance of winter tourism has created the first ski resorts (Sestriere, Le Revard, Meribel) and organizing in Chamonix the first Winter Olympics. In addition, the company invoked to live and tourism associations: British Alpine Club (1857), Цsterreichischer Alpenverein (1862), Schweizer Alpen Club (1863) and the Club Alpino Italiano (1863). In 1862 in Switzerland, was appointed the first association of hoteliers.
After World War II (especially from the 50s) there was a sharp increase in tourist destination especially in the more prosperous countries of Western Europe and North America. The most popular tourist region was then the Mediterranean (particularly the coast of France, Spain and Italy). In the '60s and 70 intense growth of the tourism, ski built then most of the ski. In subsequent years, evolved in tourism regions located outside of Europe (islands in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Oceania). In the 80s began to see the negative impact of mass tourism on the natural environment and local communities, and thus came the idea of ??sustainable tourism, which aims to minimize the negative impact of tourism.
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A bruised heel could be averted by initial using great quality boots and shoes that supply some sort of shock reducing for your heel region.The footwear Insoles must ultimately have heel cupping as this kind of foot bed insole will encircle the fatty heel pad to assist soak up shock and effect. Actually complimenting the shoes or boots with great quality Shoe Insoles will significantly aid to stop heel bruising too as supply pain relief when the condition currently exists. Gel [url=http://www.schneiderelectrictraining.com/index.php?title=Heel_Spurs_Prevent_Heel_Pain ]Heel Pads for men [/url] provide top-quality shock absorption and extra padding for your heel. The Insoles are produced with an encapsulating heel cup and have profound heel cupping and provide fantastic heel cushioning whilst also providing arch support to help restore and maintain correct foot arch function, steadiness, stance and stability. If your foot does not have an excellent heel cup, the body fat pad will splay outward which lowers the all-natural shock absorption of your heel. Less shock absorbing capabilities means more anxiety in your heel bone which final results in bruised heels. You do not need to endure the constant pain of a bruised heel. Protection and reduction is a simple solution away.
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1. Cut one 2-foot little bit of speaker wire. Strip 1/2 of the inch of insulation off each wire with both ends. Connect the positive wire of merely one end to the particular positive terminal in the speaker. Connect the negative wire with the same end on the negative terminal with the speaker.

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Mortal Kombat was the very first entry within the famous and very suspect Human Kombat battling activity collection by Nearly Online games, unveiled in arcades in 1992. Block Mma fighter can be a 1991 mind-to-head combating created by Capcom at first launched like a money-handled arc sport.Ultra Mario - Farmville is everyplace, game, games console, pen, you can even purchase it on computer software and do the installation in your desktop! Very Mario is a platform game started by Nintendo's creative designers in late 1985 and published for the Developers Leisure Procedure, a extension to the 1983 activity, Mario Bros. In Excellent Mario Bros., the professional identity Mario have to help Princess Pear (Romantic Toadstool in america version) on the Mushroom Kingdom from your nasty Bowser, california king on the Koopas. This is because conventional in addition to being habit forming mainly because it obtains. 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